Verena Berger was born in 1961 in Wien, Austria. She is an actress, known for Der Lack ist ab (2015), Morden im Norden (2012) and Der böse Onkel (2011). She is married to Rainer Wöss. They have one child.
Verena Bosshard is an actress, known for Der lautlose Schrei, Wilder (2017) and Propellerblume (1997).
Verena Frank is an actress, known for Ingenium (2018).
Verena Hecht is an actress, known for Reloaded (2021), I Know What's Gonna Help You (2019) and Population.Zero (2019).
Verena Konietschke is known for One Million K(l)icks (2015), Sams im Glück (2012) and Ultimate Justice (2017).
Verena Lehbauer is an actress, known for Paradies: Hoffnung (2013) and Die Frau mit einem Schuh (2014).
Verena Paravel is a director and producer, known for Leviathan (2012), Foreign Parts (2010) and Caniba (2017).
Vergena Fields was born on November 17, 1989 in Pikeville, Kentucky, USA. She was an actress and producer, known for Window with a View (2022), A Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness PSA (2021) and The Freeze (2016). She died on September 28, 2021 in Meta, Pike County, Kentucky.
Vergil J. Smith was born in New Orleans on March 5, 1961. He works both in the US and in Europe, in film and theatre. He is also a theatre director. He taught acting at US universities. Married to photographer/producer Kasia Smith since 2012. Known for Another Day of Life (2018), Cold War (2018), Natural Born Killers (1994), Early Edition (1997)
Buxom and beautiful brunette knockout Veri Knotty was born in 1946. Veri grew up in Nashville, Tennessee. She left home at age thirteen to eke out a living on her own. Knotty moved to New York City in the mid-1960's and got a job as a Playboy Bunny at a Playboy club. Veri subsequently went on to become a go-go dancer and a stripper. Best known for her remarkable ability to tie her four inch labia together (hence her porn pseudonym), Knotty was discovered for adult films by noted porn director Carter Stevens in the mid-1970's. Outside of her work in various explicit loops and X-rated movies, Veri also posed for such men's magazines as Cheri and High Society. According to Stevens, Knotty died from liver failure due to substance abuse problems in the early 1980's.