Syama Harini became a stand-up comic three years ago after watching quite a few live shows of Karthik Kumar, SA Aravind, and Bhargav Ramakrishnan in Chennai. She took up the mic so she could also be heard through her rants, because otherwise it seemed like people had stopped listening. She performs across cafes, pubs, and now recently in comedy clubs, which have been springing open in Chennai. She has done one show in Telugu, which was an opening act for Saikiran. She wants to try Telugu stand-up soon as performing in one's own mother tongue seems easier to her. She also does clowning and theatre.
Syama Rayner is an actress and producer, known for Il Muto di Gallura (2021), The Final Code (2021) and No potho reposare.
Syama Salim is known for Mohanlal (2018), Gautham Buddha (2018) and Meera (2018).
Syamla Are is known for Mayapetika (2023).
Syamsul Arifin is known for The Act of Killing (2012) and P.O.V. (1988).
Syamsul Yusof was born on 21 May 1984 in Kuala Lumpur. He is a Malaysian actor, film director, scriptwriter, film producer, rapper and singer. He is the son of famous director Yusof Haslam. He set the record as the youngest director to win the Malaysian Film Festival, doing so at the age of 26. His brother, Syafiq Yusof, his cousins, Rizal Ashreff and Sabrina Ali and his half-brother is Faizal Yusof are also actors. Syafiq and Faizal themselves also have their other careers as film directors. Born into a family who owns one of the largest film companies in Malaysia, the desire in film directing was ingrained to him from a very young age. His father, recognizing this, decided to test his directing abilities by allowing him to direct the former's police drama series "Gerak Khas" for a few episodes as an assignment. After those episodes were given the approval by his father, Syamsul was now confident enough to sit in the director's chair. He eventually decided to produce and direct his first feature film. The script that would eventually became "Evolusi KL Drift", co-written by him and his cousin Rizal was initially rejected by his father for further redrafting. After the revision, his first film project was finally approved alongside a budget of RM 1.35 million. Despite his lack of directing experience and the immense pressure of keeping reputation of his family, "Evolusi KL Drift" managed to succeed. The film's success paved the way for several other directorial endeavors.
Syaqila Afiffah Putri is known for Nanti kita cerita tentang hari ini (2020).
Syarmila Rastam is an actress, known for Judi-Judi King Boss (2016).
Syazwan Zulkifli is known for Laga (2014), Juvana (2013) and Suamiku Encik Perfect 10! (2015).